The Importance of Regular Pet Dental Care

Pet dental care is important no matter what species you are caring for. Having a good pet oral hygiene plan and providing quality dental care is a big part of keeping your beloved companion healthy. Texas Avian and Exotic Hospital is honored to help you provide the best for your pet.
Dental Health Benefits
We take care of our teeth and mouths. When you stop to consider it, it does make sense that our patients need dental care as well. No matter if you have a dog, a cat, a bird, a lizard, or a rabbit, pet dental care matters.
Animals who do not regularly have good oral care performed can suffer from a variety of issues including:
- Bad breath
- Loss of teeth
- Infection of the mouth
- Periodontal disease
- Gingivitis
- Inability to properly chew
- Abnormal wear
- Fractured teeth
- Unnecessary pain
Good exotic pet dental care (and beak care) care helps our pets thrive and stay comfortable.
Pet Dental Care
So what kind of pet dental hygiene is recommended? The answer can vary a bit depending on the species we are talking about. All pets should have a wellness examination (at least annually) so that we can discuss necessary care.
Individual species considerations might include:
- Rabbits and rodents: These species have teeth that grow continuously throughout their lifetime. Inadequate or uneven wear can lead to pain and difficulty chewing.
- Reptiles: Bearded dragons in particular are prone to periodontal disease. Because their teeth sit directly in their jaw, they are more prone to bone infections related to dental disease. Improper diet and UV light exposure can also lead to jaw problems.
- Birds: Avian species may not have teeth, but proper beak care and trimming is essential for most birds.
- Ferrets: Ferrets are avid chewers and often fracture teeth. Noting these damaged teeth can help avoid pain and infection. They can also accumulate tartar that should be cleaned.
- Small mammals: Many small mammal species ingest soft, sweet food items that can predispose them to periodontal disease.
Prevention is key when it comes to providing good oral health care for our pets, but in particular when we are thinking about avian and exotic species. These delicate creatures are masters at hiding trouble until things become serious.
Reach out to us today to get started on a good pet dental care plan for your special friend. We have the expertise necessary to help you provide the best possible.